Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is Anwar Ibrahim irrelevant

The most famous term used by BN leaders is Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI) is irrelevant, is this true? I was beginning to believe that maybe their claim was justified as it was being mentioned repeatedly over the months until I had personally attended his Ceramah at Buntong and Dewan Tow Bee Keong in Ipoh on the 11-1-08 between 7.30-11pm.
There were banners displayed at several places around Ipoh for a Chinese New Year celebration with DSAI at Dewan Tow Bee Keong, so a crowd of 5,000, mostly Chinese did not take me by surprise. However, a crowd of more than 5,000 people at Buntong with a days notice and organizing it at a small terrace house, with no stage was an eye opener. So why was there such a large crowd? Why an "irrelevant" person able to create such hype.
The mere presence of Anwar Ibrahim created euphoria, his aura was immense, I was 50 meters away from him but I could feel the vibe, the urge to pay close attention to what he was going to say, he was a born LEADER. It's just like walking into a temple with strong vibration where you feel the sense of calmness and serenity. Anwar is definitely relevant!!!
He did not scream all the way as most politician do, but there was pin drop silence when his tone of voice was soft, I mean pin drop silence amongst the Buntong crowd! He kept the crowd cheering and laughing all the way throughout his hour long speech. He was instantly a big hit amongst the Buntong crowd. He received the same ovation at Dewan Tow Bee Keong as well.
So what were the issues addressed and why should we vote for any opposition party whether its KEADILAN, DAP or PAS.
1. Rising price of oil and all essential goods .
He insists that petrol price would be reduced immediately once he is PM. In contrast, Najib claims that the country would become bankrupt if this was done, so how would it be possible. Simple, presently PETRONAS annual profit after tax is RM80 billion, take RM 10 billion from it and further subsidize the petrol would not have any material effect on the government revenue as we are an oil exporting nation. During his 8 year tenure as Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, oil was kept at RM1.10/litre when profits from Petronas was between RM 25 – 30 billion annually. Remember that most robust projects were also undertaken during this period but we never went buzz. After his sacking in September 1998, petrol rose in October 1998 and tol rates rose in November 1998.
2. Free education from primary to tertiary education .
Hah! Bolehkah ini? Mana boleh? Well, another RM 10 billion would do from Petronas profit, simple as that. When you can manage with RM 30 billion, why can't you manage with RM 60 billion from Petronas. He says that this is God given gift to the people, at least half of which should go back to the people in some way or rather. What is the point of the nation being rich yet the rakyat being poor?
3. Racial tension like never before
Why so much misconception between races, we are all Malaysians. The annual government revenue is RM 200 billion, to a population of 27 million is one the highest in the world, so there is no need to quarrel, we all can share the cake. So where is the problem, the bulk of the cake is being gobbled by few BN component leaders and leaving the poor rakyat to feel that we are being robbed by the other race. Morgan Stanley reported than corruption has cost the nation RM 100 billion since 2004. So please, let's unite and fight the true enemy, please pass this important message to as many as possible, because as election draws closer, and if BN is on the verge of defeat, they may just stir this sentiment as they have done in the past while we fall victims.
4. Brain drain and lack of opportunities
Many non-Bumis are with the perception that they are being deprived of tertiary education even after obtaining the best possible results, true. But who are the true beneficiaries, remember that only 30% of the Bumis are either professionals or some how benefited from the growth of the country or somehow is a crony to some prominent individuals. They are the ones able to give their children quality secondary education and they are the ones who have most benefited from government scholarships and tertiary education. The remaining 70% of Bumis are still neglected and aren't given much opportunity just as the non-Bumis.
He promised to help the most deserving Bumis (70% who are still poor) and the most deserving non-Bumis from tertiary education to government job employment.
5. Chinese and Tamil schools
He vowed to make all schools as fully government aided schools if keADILan was to come to power. I wouldn't want to repeat the financial means as I've already done so.
6. Fear of PAS or DAP
This is BN propaganda, PAS is contesting in 60 seats and DAP even less, neither party on its own can come to power. Fear is put amongst non-Muslims that PAS are too radical, likewise DAP are a communist organization. Neither is true, 75% of non-muslims vote in Kelantan in the 2004 election went to PAS, there must be something right with PAS and something not so right with BN for people resorting to choose PAS. Lim Guan Eng served 2 years in jail protecting an underaged Malay girl who was having an affair with a top UMNO leader. Are they communist?
Anyway, keADILan would have to win the most number of seats with PAS and DAP making up the numbers for them to govern. So, please do not fear PAS or DAP. Either they would be ideal oppositions in parliament or a coalition party in a keADILan led multiracial government.
Likewise many other issues were addressed. Now the big question is, can Anwar be trusted? Well, how much worst can he be compared to the current leaders.. Is there any credible leader in UMNO who can turn this country around? Petrol price is to increase again in April '08. All essential goods are going to go higher. Malaysia 's Foreign Direct Investment (pelaburan asing) has dwindled from top spot in the 90's to 6 th in 2007 after Singapore , Vietnam , Indonesia , Thailand and Philippines in South East Asia . Anwar is a leading financial adviser to many large institution and businessman for investment opportunities in South East Asia . University ranking has dropped below 200 wherelse Univeristy of Singapore are No.3 in Asia and Indian Institute of Tech. are top 10 in the world.. Anwar is currently serves as a professor in Harvard and Oxford Universities , needless for me to say about the reputation of these two top class universities.
With all these in mind, why can't we give him 5 years to prove himself. We have prejudged him as untrustworthy, well, he was in UMNO, to be a leader in UMNO, you must be a fanatic Malay, likewise MCA and MIC because they are race based parties. Now he has formed a multiracial party to fight for all regardless of race and religion but promised to protect the Malay rights as stipulated in the constitution. It's

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